It is the only mini-cinema in Solo, which is located on the 2nd floor OmahSinten that can contain up to 60 seats (theater). Interior mini cinema is a blend of Javanese architecture with sophisticated technology to support theacoustic perfection and audio visual impressions. Cinema is equipped with acoustic and spatial 7.2 channel Tru-Surround technology, the HD Ready and Blue Ray projector, 4 x 6 meter screen produces excellent images and sound, as well as 3 x 6 meters stage.
Mini cinema can also function as a location for product launch, community meetings and events as needed thematic guest / client. Customers / clients can bring their own movies that want to be watched in accordance with the desired theme of the event. Ordering food / beverage delivered to your seat.
Merupakan satu-satunya mini sinema di Solo, yang terletak di lantai 2 OmahSinten yang mampu memuat hingga 60 seat (teater). Interior mini sinema merupakan perpaduan antara arsitektur Jawa dengan kecanggihan teknologi guna mendukung kesempurnaan akustik dan tayangan audio visual. Sinema dilengkapi dengan akustik dan tata ruang teknologi Tru-Surround, Dolby 7.2 channel, proyektor HD Ready dan Blue Ray, layar 4 x 6 meter menghasilkan gambar dan suara prima, serta dilengkapi pula dengan stage 3 x 6 meter.
Mini sinema juga bisa difungsikan sebagai lokasi launching product, pertemuan komunitas maupun event-event tematik sesuai kebutuhan tamu/klien. Tamu/klien bisa membawa sendiri film yang ingin disaksikan sesuai dengan tema event yang diinginkan. Pemesanan makanan/minuman diantar ke tempat duduk Anda.
Rp. 1.200.000,-
Rp. 1.500.000,- (includes sound mixer)